What to do if you find ants in your house?

Little black ants prefer to live outdoors in decaying wood, but will also build their nests in cracks in walls or cement. Outside, they establish their nests under rocks or stones and in rotting logs, gardens and other open areas. Their nests can also be located within small craters of very fine soil. Indoors, the insects build their nests in voids and cavities such as wall voids.
Little black ant colonies have moderate to large populations, with two or more queens in one colony. Little black ant winged swarms are common from June to August, during which time mating occurs. After mating, both males and females shed their wings and the males die soon after mating
Learn how ants enter your home, how to quickly get rid of an ant infestation fast, and prevent these pests from coming back.
Spray To Kill Control Remove Little Black Sugar Ants Exterminators Household Small Tiny little black Ants Control Removal Getting Rid of House Ants in around Homes buildings pesticide chemicals, non chemical methods will help you to maintain control and prevent future ant infestations: Little Black Ants are highly adaptable when it comes to nesting, and nests are commonly found both indoors and outdoors, in a variety of climates. Little black ants prefer to make a home of decayed woods, but will also build nests in cement cracks, under stones, or in open lawns. When you first notice invading ants, they may form an obvious trail which you can easily follow to find exactly where the ants are entering
Seal Off Cracks & Entrances to Your Home or commercial business building search for areas in and around your home or business that could be potential entrances for ants. Sealing cracks around windows and doors and the foundation of your home with caulking can eliminate many of the obvious entrances for ants to use. Removing moisture barriers around the house that harbor nests.

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