Eastside Pest Control Extermination Removal Exterminators

Moisture Ants Cause serious wood damage

Moisture ants prefer to nest in water damaged, rotting wood. In nature, you can
find colonies inhabiting fallen trees and tree stumps that are in the advanced
stages of decay. Because moisture ants enjoy sweets, they can often come into
our houses to feed on any sugar left unprotected; this can be annoying. And
because they inhabit wood, they can cause accelerated decay in our homes.
Colonies that develop in decaying wood of a house, like carpenter ants and
termites, can weaken wooden structures.

Identifying Moisture Ant Damage

Moisture ant damageStructural damage from moisture antsidentify moisture ant damage

Moisture Ants Control

These ants are not a primary structural pest, but

they can speed the deterioration of wood. They

also become a nuisance as they enter homes in

search of food. If possible, determine where the

ants are coming from. These ants require moisture

to survive. They may be nesting in damp soil outside

or under the house, beneath sidewalks, along

foundations, or under debris and rocks in the yard.

Or, the ants may be living in damp, decaying wood.

If the ants are nesting in wood, they may throw out

sawdust as they enlarge their nests.

Moisture Ants Cultural Control

Check periodically for wet, decaying wood or wet

soil under the house. Correct problems which are

creating a damp place for the ants to live (leaking

gutters, plumbing, improperly caulked windows,

etc.). Do not allow wood members to come into

contact with soil. These ants frequently inhabit

form lumber the contractor buried in the soil next

to the foundation. Remove this wood. Replace

any badly damaged wood. Remember, long-term

control requires eliminating the moisture problem

and wet rotting wood.


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