Eastside Pest Control Extermination Removal Exterminators

Attic Rodent Damage

Mice are much smaller than rats, but they can still do a lot of damage. They destroy food, books, furniture and even appliances with their gnawing, urine and droppings. Worse, mice in the home have been linked to a number of human diseases, including asthma. Because of their small size, they can fit through crevices as small as 1/4 inch wide, making them hard to control.

Is there a mouse in the house?

You might not see the mice, but you can probably hear them after dark, as mice are often more active at night. Don’t be surprised if your pets paw at walls and cabinets where mice are hiding. Watch for mouse droppings and nests in storage areas, such as garages and basements. Nests are usually made of materials like bits of cloth or shredded paper. Or you can check for mouse tracks by dusting suspected areas with a light coating of unscented talcum powder or mason’s chalk dust. Wait a day and then shine a flashlight across the area. If you notice small tracks in the powder, then you’ll know that mice have been there.

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